About Tranzitor

We at Tranzitor believe that electric vehicles will have a substantial impact on the way we drive and interact with our vehicle. Right from the concept of connected vehicles, to predictive maintenance, electric vehicles will add value to the transportation ecosystem and at the same time, will contribute to reincarnation of a healthy environment.

Over the years, we have come a long way from starting as a retrofitting kit manufacturer to now a company with expertise into powertrain, and energy systems, which provides us the edge over our competitors when it comes to the quality of solutions. Not to forget that the last mile delivery is a crucial segment of any economy, as it is mainly responsible for ensuring that goods reach the retailers. Any rise in the fuel price means shrinkage in profit margin for the logistics company and an increase in price of commodities. That is why the majority of our developments have been products related to this segment. Our prime solution is an electric powertrain for the light commercial vehicle through which any old LCV can be converted into an electric vehicle using our power train, which allows the customer to continue using their old vehicle. Moreover, our strong command in the nitty gritty of energy storage system hands us an edge over our competitors.

We firmly believe that electric vehicles will drive the push towards alternative fuel in the automotive industry and also be economical for the consumer. Our powertrain is aimed to do exactly the same as it will maximize margins by reducing operational and maintenance costs.